Spinach and Cinnamon

Two different recipes have come across my screen today.  The contrast between them has me kinda entertained.  On a day that has been effective but less than exciting, this is as good as it gets.

THE GREEN MACHINE is a smoothie that contains life-enhancing ingredients like spinach and pineapple.  I think it actually sounds delicious and might be something I would try.  Seems like a great way to feel instantly healthier.

Then there is this – Coffee Cake in a Cup Ready in 2 Minutes – If all the ingredients were in my house right now, I would have made this tonight.  Well, it’s not on diet at all.  So I probably would have waited until Saturday….which gives me plenty of time to “by chance” have all the ingredients in my pantry.  This could be good.

Here’s to eating well … and eating really yummy food!!!

Two hours from Festus

Head south from Festus, Missouri for about two hours and you will get to a small town where Dave got to experience a whole new level of rock stardom today.

He had groupies!

A veritable fan club!

He smiled for pictures and shook hands and talked shop with young drummers.  His band mates got a little annoyed with him as he reveled in his fame.  They were trying to pack up and he was surrounded by starry-eyed youths.

Oh, and he did a lot of this…

…signing autographs!

He will always be a rockstar in my heart…and in the hearts of every teenaged groupie in middle-of-nowhere Missouri!

Contemplation Interruption

Today, dear readers, I have been contemplating the concept of calling.

What does Scripture have to say?

How do I know my calling?

How do I know I’m on the right path?

I had planned to share my thoughts with you.  I was feeling encouraged to have the energy to even be thinking all the way through this….to be able to keep my train of thought long enough to come to some sort of conclusions.

Then this happened and I knew my thoughtful post would have to wait for tomorrow.

As an intelligent and creative human being, I am sure you can come up with any number of scenarios that would have created this scene.  But do not blame my crazy dogs.

No, this one is all on me.

I’ve been exercising.  Clearly I am not as strong as Dave though.  I have seen him do this “move” a thousand times.  Okay.  A hundred.  Danger eats “lite” food with a little bit of the regular, tasty stuff mixed in while Gunny eats all the regular, tasty stuff.  So when it is time to buy new food we have to mix some of Gunny’s food into the fifteen pounds of “lite” food in the big plastic container – that thing is super convenient.

I’ve seen it done.

Pour “lite”, then add a little layer of regular, pour a bunch more “lite”, then the tiniest bit of regular…so on and so forth until the “lite” is gone….then stir.  How do you stir?  Well, Dave picks up the bucket and gives it a good shake.

(See where this is going???)

I picked it up and clumsily did some sort of hula-hoop move hoping that the full body motion would adequately combine the ingredients.  That did not work so well, despite the fact that you might be giggling at the mental picture.  The next attempt involved laying the closed and sealed container on its side and sliding it back in forth, rolling it over and over, and POOF!  Dog food explosion.

Apparently “sealed” was an exaggeration.

My dogs both very sweetly offered to help clean up.  I had to ask them to please go into the bedroom.

Not true.

I was screaming and jumping around and crushing little bits of dog food into dog food powder under my bare feet and grabbing dog collars and shoving two forty pound dogs down the hallway when they were fully convinced that the happy accident was meant to solve the starvation they were suffering from….yes, they ate a full meal this morning.

After taking a deep breath and a couple of pictures, I used the dust pan and resolved the incredible and smelly mess.  Danger and Gunny went after any tiny particles left on the floor when I let them out.

The floor is clean.

My blog is written.

Dogs are fed.

It is time for Dave to come home.

Weather App Fail

Today’s workout was a swim, so the dogs did not get their run this morning.  For some odd reason, the community lap pool does not favor canine members.  Their energy level requires daily exercise.  I decided to take them for a long walk like we normally do when Dave is home.  I was responsible.  I checked the weather application on my phone.  There were two little rain storms coming – one around 4pm and the other around 7pm.  It was about 3:30 when I was going to walk, but based on that information I decided to get a little more work done and we left a few minutes before 5pm.  Predictably, it started raining those big, fat, hair-soaking drops when we were at the halfway point on our stroll.  Single drops made big water marks on my clothes.

We were too far gone to turn back and run to a friend’s house.  I took a deep breath, put one foot in front of the other, and…

…got very wet!

Traveling Puppy

My dogs are the best.  They are so funny together.  Part of the reason for this is their personalities.  They are literally opposite of each other.  This creates much of the entertainment in my life.

On the way back to ye olde Kentucky home this weekend Danger was anxious as always…paying attention to everything going on outside the car.  Gunny, on the other hand, had the right idea…

Hope your sleep is filled with smiles!


Hi!!  It is a gorgeous, if chilly, end-of-April day in Kentucky!  Seriously, I think it is too cold to sit outside.  From my big living room windows, though, it is a completely enjoyment-filled day.

As I make my return to my blog, I thought I would share with you a picture from my neighborhood – one of the most memorable recent arrivals.

Yep, Barbie drives a Lexus and lives up the street.

See you tomorrow!